Google Cloud : Security with Service Accounts # made Simple?

Docker Turtle
1 min readAug 14, 2018


*******************************************************************Google cloud : security landscape

  • Service account is an Identity
  • SA is always attached to a single GCP Project ID
  • Each SA has its own Private Key
  • Keep Private key secured
  • Rotate Private key frequently
  • we can attach SA to an GCP resource : VM, Container, Pod, etc
  • using SA : private key -> you can access GCP API and Service calls
  • Using SA Private Key, the User can generate a signed JSON Web Token

*******************************************************************How to use SA : Private key

(Create JWT Token -> Token is Signed with SA Private Key ->Use Signed JWT Token to get new Google Token -> use Google Token to call GCP API)

*******************************************************************Attributes of SA:

  • SA_email_id = “”
  • SA = “projects/GCP_Proj_name/ServiceAccounts/”+SA_email_id


Contents of Service account : credentials file

  1. Type = Service Account
  2. Project ID = GCP Project ID
  3. Private Key id = ***
  4. Private key = hash_value**
  6. client_id =****
  7. auth_uri = google auth
  8. token_uri = google auth token
  9. auth_provider_X509_cert_url = google api oauth2
  10. client_X509_cert_url =google metadata




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