Google cloud: begin with Security? for Newbies

Docker Turtle
2 min readAug 8, 2018


Steps to start with Security & best practices:

Org and Projects:

  • Create Organization
  • Projects come under Organization
  • Create a new Project
  • Project is an Isolated Environment
  • Resources are created inside a Project (Resource Group in Azure)



  • Create new Identities (Trust factor)
  • Secure Identities
  • Identities are used to access Resources and take Actions
  • Google is your Identity Provider (IDP)
  • You can use your Own IDP (Cloud or On-Prem)
  • Policies are attached to Identities


Subjects (Identities):

  • Create Users, Groups, Service Accounts
  • Give access to Users only to a Project/s & Operations inside a Project
  • Assign Roles (Permissions) -> Users, Groups, Service Accounts



  • Who can perform which Actions on which Resources?
  • Role (permissions on Specific Resources)
  • IAM Role = collection of Permissions
  • Primitive Roles = OWNER, EDITOR, VIEWER
  • Custom Roles, (AdminRole = LogsRole + AppEngineRole)
  • Custom Roles, (AdminRole = LogsRole - permissions)
  • Policy = Binding between Role & (User or Groups or Service Accounts)
  • Best practice: Grant Roles to Groups

***************************************************************** Service Accounts:

  • SA comes under a “Project”
  • SA attributes : {Name, Member email id, Role (permissions)}
  • Any Code running inside Google : VM, Containers, Pods, App engine can get access to Google API (actions) using SA keys
  • We can assign SA -> to a VM or Pod or any Google Services/Resources
  • Google cloud also creates & manages Service Accounts
  • SA Types = Google-managed & User-managed Credentials
  • In User-managed SA, the User will use SA Key to access GCP services

********************************************************************In Beta coming soon: Resource-level IAM

Set IAM Policies on individual GCP Resources

Resources = VM, Images, PD,etc


** Private Beta coming soon: Name Prefix condition & Conditional IAM

Conditional IAM : who can do which Actions on what Resources, under what Condition

Access allowed only if condition matches

Location based access to Resources (condition = location {CIDR IP range})

Times based access to Resources (condition = time (8 am to 11 am))

Name Prefix condition: Grant access based on Name prefix-match




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