Main Components of Istio : Service Mesh

Docker Turtle
1 min readJun 20, 2019


Istio Pods and Services running inside Kubernetes Cluster

Istio Pods running in “istio-system” Namespace

List of Istio services :

  1. Citadel : Auth, CA, handle TLS certificates to Envoy Proxy
  2. EgressGateway:
  3. Ingress: Load balancer with external IP
  4. IngressGateway: NodePort
  5. Pilot: registers all K8 cluster Services & Pod endpoints (IP),
  6. Policy (Mixer):
  7. StatsD-Prom-Bridge:
  8. Telemetry:
  9. Prometheus:

Only Ingress has a External IP. All other Istio Services will have internal IP.

Functionality of each Istio Component:

  1. Pilot: you can query Pilot API to get Service Info & Service Endpoints info

Kube Service Name = “reviews”

Service-Key : reviews.default.svc.cluster.local

Info of all All Pods attached to “reviews” Service: ip address & Port



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